about us & Tsutomu
My name is Tsutomu Fujita, a Tokyo based wedding and portrait photographer.
Until 2005, I was a newspaper photographer at a small communities in Napa, California.
After returning to my home country, I started bozphoto & styles, with photographers and stylists who are passionate to create your wedding in meaningful day.
Our style is mix of documentary, artistic, and casually posed portraits. Capturing real moments in unobtrusive way is always my ultimate goal. So all you have to do is be yourself. It is simple. We create the atmosphere for the comfortable feeling of having someone who you trust to be there for you.
For more about us and images we create, please also checkout our facebook page.
Or you can also check our blog page (Japanese only)
©bozphoto & styles 2014 | Tokyo based Wedding Photographers | 080 - 5173 - 2188 | facebook page >>